• From bsfonline.org, login to your account
  • Please make sure the replacement Online Group Leader is approved and shows in your Online Leaders Meeting (OLM) but does NOT create a group*
  • The outgoing Online Group Leader must be in your OLM as well; if the outgoing Online Group Leader is in a different OLM, please have the outgoing Online Group Leader follow the steps in the following article to switch to your OLM in order to transfer the group: OGL - Change your BSF Online Leaders Meeting


Place an Online Group Leader (OGL) in the group they are taking over: 

  1. Go to the User Management page and search for the replacement OGL
  2. Select the ‘+’ button corresponding to the replacement OGL 
  3. Select ‘Find A Group’ on the right side of the screen and search for the outgoing OGL’s group 
    1. Search by the group number or the outgoing OGL
    2. Make sure the group is set as follows:
      1. Not private (If OGL is unavailable, please request Tier 2 to change group privacy setting.)
      2. Capacity to allow one additional group member (the replacement OGL)
  4. Select the 'Join' button corresponding to the outgoing OGL's group
  5. Review the group information in the pop-up screen and choose ‘Select’
  6. Select ‘Assign’ on the right side of the screen – this action puts the replacement OGL in the outgoing OGL’s group
  7. Go to the Online Group and confirm the replacement OGL is now placed in the group
  8. Return to the User Management page and search for the outgoing OGL
  9. Select the ‘+’ button corresponding to the outgoing OGL
  10. Change the role of the outgoing OGL to ‘Online Member’ if they are leaving leadership. If the OGL is moving to AOT role, see this article: OAP/OT - Add an Assistant BSF Online Trainer
  11. Changing the role (thus removing) the outgoing OGL places the replacement OGL as the leader of the group and allows the outgoing OGL to continue in whatever role they are intended
  12. The replacement OGL must FIRST update their Profile and confirm they have been allocated a Host License, see this article: Leader - View your BSF Online Meeting Host License
  13. THEN, the replacement OGL may update their My Group Settings including time zone and group day/time if keeping the group the same as before and MUST press ‘Save Changes’ even if there are none. When this happens, this updates the group’s Online Meeting Link behind their Start Meeting and Join Meeting buttons on their My Group page.
  14. The Start/Join Meeting Links associated with the outgoing OGL's Host License will no longer be valid for this discussion group. The Replacement OGL and the OGMs will use the new links at their accounts associated with the Replacement OGL Host License. See this article: OGL - Member BSF Online Group Start/Join Links

*What do we do if the replacement OGL has already set up a new group? (e.g. Updated and saved group information on their My Group Settings page)

If the replacement Online Group Leader has already updated the settings on their My Group Settings page and selected “Save Changes”, the bsfonline.org system will not allow the existing group to be transferred from the outgoing OGL to the replacement OGL. This is because the system recognizes that the replacement OGL already has a group assigned to them.

Please follow the steps below to transfer the members from the outgoing OGL’s group to the replacement OGL’s group: 

  1. Record all the Online Group Member’s (OGM’s) names and email addresses somewhere as a backup, then remove them from the outgoing OGL’s group by following the steps here: OT/AOT - Add and Remove BSF Online Group Members
  2. The replacement OGL then adds the OGMs to the new group by following the steps described here: OGL - Add and Remove BSF Online Group Members
  3. The outgoing OGL must change their group to Private. If OGL is unavailable, please request Tier 2 to change group privacy setting.
  4. Once the outgoing OGL’s group is Private, empty and the OGMs have been placed in the new group, the OT can go ahead and change the outgoing OGL’s position from OGL to Online Member (not Online Group Member) on the User Management page.